173 research outputs found

    The study of mechanical properties of rocks of graphite deposit

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    В работе приведены результаты исследования разрушающего напряжения при одноосном сжатии и на растяжение, модуля упругости и коэффициента Пуассона, модуля сдвига для графита и вмещающих пород. Полученные результаты позволяют выбрать размеры камер при переходе к подземной разработке месторождения с применением камерной системы с закладкой выработанного пространства хвостами обогащения.The work deals with the results of the study of destructive strength under axial compression and tensile strength, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio, shear modulus for graphite and enclosing rocks. The obtained results allow to choose the dimensions of the cameras during the transition to underground mining of Deposit with application of a camera system with a mined-out space tails of enrichment

    Grammatical Interference in the Hindish Language

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    Исследование посвящено изучению феномена грамматической интерференции в условиях языкового контакта английского и индийского (и его диалектов) в романе А. Гоша «Маковое море». В работе сравниваются грамматические системы двух языков, анализируются типичные отклонения от нормы.This report studies the phenomenon of grammatical interference in the conditions of language contact between English and Indian (and its dialects) in the novel “Sea of Poppies” by A. Gosha. The paper compares the grammatical systems of the two languages, analyzes typical deviations from the norm


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    The Baikal ledge rock formations in the Siberian craton structure are included in the Akitkan mobile belt which is considered as the Late Paleoproterozoic independent island arc system moved up to the ancient basement during the terrains amalgamation 1.91–2.00 Ga ago (Fig. 1) [Rosen, 2003; Gladkochub et al., 2009; Didenko et al., 2013].The Baikal ledge rock formations in the Siberian craton structure are included in the Akitkan mobile belt which is considered as the Late Paleoproterozoic independent island arc system moved up to the ancient basement during the terrains amalgamation 1.91–2.00 Ga ago (Fig. 1) [Rosen, 2003; Gladkochub et al., 2009; Didenko et al., 2013]

    Assessing successful reproduction of egocentric and allocentric spatial representations using virtual reality

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    Background. Currently in psychological rehabilitation the necessity of developing innovative methods for testing cognitive dysfunctions with via the modern sophisticated technology is becoming increasingly important. One of the urgent requests is associated with developing the methods of diagnostics and correction of spatial representations disorders, which are manifested by decreasing accuracy of spatial representations of the environment in particular. Objective. To study this issue the method for evaluating the accuracy of spatial information using which the ability to memorize the three-dimensional complex scenes was developed. It was assumed that the accuracy of reproduction would differ significantly depending on the coordinate (egocentric or allocentric) system of mental reconstruction processing. Design. The library of virtual objects and six unique virtual scenes were created. Each scene of seven objects was shown to the participants within the interval for 25 seconds. Thirty six subjects (aged from 18 to 26) participated in the experiment. They were told to memorize the objects and their locations, and then to reproduce the memorized scene using the given viewpoint of the scene. Three viewpoints were chosen: the «front» (to reproduce the scene from the egocentric position); the «left» and the» above» (to reproduce the memorized scene from on the left and above imaginary allocentric positions, respectively). To perform the task the participants chose objects from the library of virtual objects using the flystick 2 and placed them in virtual space in accordance with the memorized scene. The object locations in virtual space were recorded. Moreover, the accuracy of egocentric and allocentric representations in terms of measurements, topology and depth parameters were calculated. Conclusion. The results show that the egocentric representations (the «front» viewpoint) were more accurate for all parameters in comparison with the allocentric representations (the «left» and the «above» viewpoints), and the “above” representations were more accurate compared with the “left” ones. The topological accuracy was much better than the measurements and depth accuracy. Regardless of the viewpoints, the topological space parameters are stored in memory much more accurately than the depth parameters, which, in turn, are reproduced more accurately than metric parameters. It was also shown that the accuracy of spatial representations differs for different allocentric viewpoints: the «above» view is reproduced much more accurately than the «left» view. The method developed made it possible to reveal the features of encoding spatial information in ER and AP blocks in terms of measurements, topology and depth parameters. It can be used in clinical rehabilitation to test impairments in the perception of space, and also violations of short-term memory. The results obtained allow refining the existing models of encoding spatial information

    Radial-piston pump for drive of test machines

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    The article reviews the development of radial-piston pump with phase control and alternating-flow mode for seismic-testing platforms and other test machines. The prospects for use of the developed device are proved. It is noted that the method of frequency modulation with the detection of the natural frequencies is easily realized by using the radial-piston pump. The prospects of further research are given proof

    Оптимизация поверхностной тепловой обработки

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    Балан С. А. Оптимизация поверхностной тепловой обработки / С. А. Балан, О. С. Савельева, Е. Г. Трофименко // Праці Одеського політехнічного університету. – Одеса, 2001. – Вип. 1 (13). – С. 113 – 117.Пропонується використовувати модифікований градієнтний метод оптимізації при виборі траєкторії переміщення при тепловій обробці поверхні виробу. Цільовою функцією оптимізації в даній задачі є мінімізація енерговитрат на обробку.Предлагается использовать модифицированный градиентный метод оптимизации при выборе траектории перемещения при тепловой обработке поверхности изделия. Целевой функцией оптимизации в данной задачи является минимизация энергозатрат на обработку.It is offered to use a modified gradient optimisation method in choosing the movement trajectory while the item undergoes heat treatment. The goal function in the given task was to minimizе power inputs on treatment

    Prevalence of herpes virus infections in children from preschool institutions

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    60 children aged 3 to 5 years attending a preschool institution were examined using PCR with quantitative DNA human herpes virus 6 (HHV6), cyto-megalovirus (CMV), and Epstein-Вагг virus (EBV) indication. The frequency of DNA HHV6, CMV, EBV identification in nasopharyngeal samples was high and equal to more than 100 DNA copy /105 cell in 93% of children. DNA HHV6 was prevailing in the structure of herpes viruses (53% of children), herpes virus associations were less frequent: DNA HHV6, CMV was identified in 17% of children, DNA HHV6, EBV in 13% of children, DNA HHV6, CMV, EBV in 3% of children; DNA CMV, EBV in 2% of children, DNA EBV in 3% of children, and DNA CMV in 2% of children. The median viral load of DNA HHV6 in nasopharyngeal samples of children was Ig3,3 DNA copy/105 cell, DNA CMV Ig2,77 DNA copy/105 cell, and DNA EBV Ig2,9 DNA copy/105 cell. The resistance index was higher in children whose nasopharyngeal samples were studied for various DNA HHV6, CMV, EBV associations (0,53±0,07) compared to that in children whose nasopharyngeal samples were studied only for DNA HHV6 identification (0,38+0,05).Проведено обследование методом полимеразной цепной реакции 60 детей в возрасте от 3 до 5 лет, посещающих детское дошкольное учреждение, с количественной индикацией DNA вируса герпеса 6 типа (HHV6), цитомегаловируса (CMV) и Эпштейн-Барр вируса (EBV). Установлена высокая частота выявления DNA HHV6, CMV, EBV в соскобах со слизистой ротоглотки - у 93% детей в количестве более 100 копий DNA/105 клеток. В структуре герпесвирусов превалирует определение DNA HHV6 - у 53% детей, ассоциации герпесвирусов встречаются реже: DNA HHV6, CMV -17%, DNA HHV6, EBV -13%, DNA HHV6, CMV, EBV - 3%; DNA CMV, EBV - 2%, DNA EBV - 3%, DNA CMV - 2%. Медиана вирусной нагрузки DNA HHV6 в соскобах со слизистой ротоглотки у детей составила Ig3,3 копий DNA/105 клеток, DNA CMV 1д2,77 копий DNA/105 клеток и DNA EBV 1д2,9 копий DNA/105 клеток.Индекс резистентности у детей с выявлением различных ассоциаций DNA HHV6, CMV, EBV в соскобах со слизистой ротоглотки выше (0,53±0,07), чем у детей с определением только DNA HHV6 (0,38+0,05)

    Importance of human herpes virus identification in frequently ill children

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    The question concerning the role of human herpes viruses in frequently ill children population remains open. We examined 179 children aged 1 to 5 years using polymerase chain reaction with DNA identification of cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human herpes virus 6 (HHV6); we also performed quantitative DNA indication of CMV, EBV, and HHV6 in 102 children. We found significantly higher rates of human herpes virus associations (CMV, EBV, HHV6) in nasopharyngeal samples of frequently ill children '(53%) compared to those of episodically ill children (32,5%) (p<0,05). MHV6 DNA in nasopharyngeal samples was indicatedm 60% of episodically ill children versus 27% of frequently ill children (p<0,05). The median viral load of CMV DNA in nasopharyngeal samples of frequently ill children was Ig2,54 DNA copies/105 cells (IQR 2,04-3,23) and appeared to be lowerthan the viral load of both EBV DNA Ig3,33 DNA copies/105 cells (IQR 2,9-4,21) (p<0,05) and HHV6 DNA Ig3,4 DNA copies/105 cells (IQR 2,91-3,98) (p<0,05).Остается открытым вопрос роли вирусов герпеса в формировании группы часто болеющих детей. Проведено обследование методом полимеразной цепной реакции 179 детей в возрасте от 1 года до 5 лет с определением DNA цитомегаловируса (CMV), Эпштейн-Барр вируса (EBV), вируса герпеса 6 типа (HHV6) и количественной индикацией CMV, EBV, HHV6 у 102 детей. Установлена высокая частота выявления ассоциаций вирусов герпеса (CMV, EBV, HHV6) в соскобах со слизистой ротоглотки у часто болеющих детей (53%) в сравнении с эпизодически болеющими детьми (32,5%) (р<0,05). Определение DNA HHV6 в соскобах со слизистой ротоглотки превалировало у ЭБД- 60% против 29% (р<0,05). Медиана вирусной нагрузки DNA CMV в соскобах со слизистой ротоглотки у часто болеющих детей составила Ig2,54 копий DNA/105 клеток (IQR 2,04-3,23) и была ниже, чем вирусная нагрузка DNA EBV Ig3,33 копий DNA/105 клеток (IQR 2,9-4,21) (р<0,05) и DNA HHV61дЗ,4 копий DNA/105 клеток (IQR 2,91-3,98) (р<0,05)

    The effect of a complex of active metabolites of vitamin D3 with vikasol on the periodontal state of rats

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    Purpose of the study. The study of the periodontoprotective properties of the complex of a mixture of active metabolites of cholecalciferol - 1,25 (OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 with a synthetic analogue of vitamin K - vikasol in experimental periodontitis in rats. Materials and methods The study was carried out on 18 white male rats for 1.5 months. age, divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (4 individuals) comprised intact rats. In the rats of the 2nd and 3rd groups (7 individuals each), the parodontitis model was reproduced by oral administration of a 10% solution of pelentane, and also by replacing drinking water with a 2% solution of EDTA ad libitum. In group 3, rats were injected daily with a mixture of hormonal forms of vitamin D3 (1,25 (OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3) against a background of combined effects of pelentane and EDTA. The duration of the experiment was 60 days. Results and conclusions. It is established that the complex of a mixture of two hormonal-active forms of cholecalciferol with vikasol has significant periodontoprotective properties. The obtained data substantiate the inclusion of vitamin D3 in the composition of perioodontoprotective agents in the treatment of periodontitis